Monday, March 16, 2009


I have changed the way my blog looks..yet again! Sorry! I guess I just can't find the perfect look for my blog. I know I just need to figure out a look and keep it, but I'm just not satisfied yet. Maybe this is it.....for now at least. Oh and by the way..I am hating this cold, rainy weather...can I get an AMEN? I know I just need to be thankful that we are getting rain, but 4 days of it is about enough for me. I have to go back to work tomorrow and would really like to not have to drive in it. One thing I can celebrate is the fact that I got part of my tax refund in--WHOO HOO!! That's definitely a blessing! Hope everyone is having a great Monday!


  1. I change mine all the time, although, I haven't figured out how to do one myself. I always use cutest blog on the block. How did you do the background? I know how to do the header.

  2. Amen, I am ready for the sun to shine!! :) Have a great rest of the week!

  3. I think it looks great! But I don't know how to do all that blog stuff. AND I'm a little biased... ;)

    Not to mention that I don't know how to post this comment under my name.....stupid computers.

