Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day #10-Something You're Afraid Of

I've been slacking a little on the whole 30 Day Blog Challenge, but today I'm supposed to write about something I'm afraid of. Anyone that knows me well, knows that I have a deathly, abnormal fear of BIRDS!!!

We have NOT been able to figure out why I don't like birds, but it honestly, is a true fear of mine. I don't like any kind of bird. Most people say how pretty they are and don't understand why I don't like them, but thing is, I'm scared of birds, the same way others are afraid of the dark, or of snakes or spiders. I can't stand going to the beach and having tons of seagulls quacking and squaking at me. I will go inside in a minute! I've seen videos of people being attacked by birds and while most may think that's terrifies me! I know it's weird, but it's just me!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day #8-Place You've Traveled To

I'm having to do 2 days in one because I haven't been able to keep on track since I've been at work the last 3 nights. But now I am off for a week (YAY!), so hopefully I will be able to keep up this week. Today, I'm supposed to write about a place I have traveled to. I honestly haven't traveled to alot of extravagant places in my life. I'm hoping to do lots of traveling later in life. :) But I think the neatest place I've traveled to is.....

LAS VEGAS! I went to Las Vegas in September 2009 and it was SO much fun. It was a neat experience and I hope to go back again one day to see more. I got to see the Blue Man Group which was so neat.

It really is the biggest little city in the world. So much to do, so much going on....VIVA LAS VEGA$! :)

Hope everyone is having a happy Thursday!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 7-Favorite Movies

I'm a day or so off because of work. When I work, all I do is eat, sleep and work it seems like. But today I'm supposed to write about my favorite movies. Gosh! Where do I even begin??

(Listed in random order..)

1.) Love Actually
2.) Monsters Inc.
3.) Sex and the City 1&2
4.) All the Twilight movies
5.) Legends of the Fall
6.) Hocus Pocus
7.) The Notebook
8.) The Holiday

I'm sure I have tons of other favorite movies, but it's hard to think of them all!