Monday, May 4, 2009

A Few New Things..

A few things have changed recently, so I thought I would give you an update. I know I may have mentioned before about not really knowing if I wanted to buy a house or rent for a while and try to save for just so happens that I found a roommate about 2 weeks ago, moved in last week and am SO glad I did! Natalie Bennett is my new roommate and it's so neat how it all worked out. We just went to lunch one day, (neither of us actually looking for a roommate)...we got to talking and she mentioned that she already had a place, I came to look at it and it was perfect! I moved in last week and so far we have had a blast! I have only moved out once before for about a year and had to move back home, even then, I lived by myself. I have always wanted to have a roommate (chosen very carefully) and now I have the chance and it just really shows that God works even in the small things.

On another note...I am still really liking my job in Labor and Delivery. I actually go to nights next week and I have to admit...I'm kinda freaking out a little. Not b/c of the job itself, but b/c I have become such a morning person over the last couple of years that I'm worried this night shift stuff will turn my world upside down. Lots of people say they love nights, but I guess we will see how it goes. Anyways..I know it isn't much, but just thought I would give you a little update on what's going on in the wonderful world of Amy. Have a great week!

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