I just realized that I haven't posted anything in a while...so I guess it's time to give a little update on what's going on in the life of Amy. The end of this week was eventful. Let me start off with my job. I am still on dreaded orientation, but starting next week (or the next) I will be transitioning onto the floor with my nurse preceptor. I actually got to spend Thursday with a nurse on the floor b/c my nurse educator was out that day and I loved it! It was a bit overwhelming at first b/c I realized that I have A LOT to learn, but at the same time I realized that I am really going to LOVE this! This is definitely what God wants me to do WITHOUT a doubt and it's SO comforting when you know you are in the center of God's wonderful will for your life. We had 2 patients that day (which is the norm) and I was thinking that I wouldn't have the chance to see either of them deliver before I left at 3, but luckily one of them delivered at 1:45!! I just love the whole process of watching a child being born. Not only do you witness life coming into the world, but you get to see the reactions of the emotional mother and proud daddy. Sometimes they cry b/c they have so much joy and then sometimes they just sit and smile in utter awe at what the Lord has given them. I love watching the moment when they FIRST lay eyes on their child. With every delivery I have seen thus far (not that many, but enough), there is not one that doesn't get me right in the center of my chest and send a chill down my spine. THAT'S how I know this is what God wants me to do. Because not only am I caring for and helping people in such a wonderful yet scary time in their life, but I get joy from it too! WOW! How amazing is that?! And then after all the hustle and bustle of getting the baby dried off and warmed up and the doctor has finished all his business, the lights get turned down, mom finally gets her baby and they just get to spend some sweet time together before the baby has to go to the nursery. So..that's my work story.
Friday night I went to see "Taken" with Josh, Dacy and Rob and let me say it was GREAT! I recommend it to anyone! It's one of those "edge of your seat" type of movies...action, suspense, emotion all rolled into one.
Saturday was Dacy's baby shower in Auburn. Let me just start by saying that EVERYONE is getting married or having babies!! I can't believe my Dacy is having a little Dacy of her own!! It was SO much fun to go to this shower b/c I got to see all the same sweet ladies that I met at a wedding shower of hers before her and Rob got married. It was kinda neat and nostalgic. I cannot wait to meet little DC and be apart of her life! Here are some pics from the day.
Me and Dacy
The Proud Parents
The Rubios--love them!
The 2 Pregnant girls..due 1 week apart!
Also went to see my buddies Auburn Road Saturday night at Fat Daddy's. Here are some pics from that too.
The guys
Me and Josh
Me, Kelly and Liz
Love this one of Josh!
Well, that pretty much concludes my weekend. Sorry for the long post!
I have another video. I know some people may not like to actually sit and watch a video, but I wouldn't post it if it wasn't good. This is Louie Giglio speaking. For those of you who don't know Louie Giglio, WOW!! he is amazing. Such an amazing speaker! I have had the privledge of hearing him twice. Once when he came to Auburn a couple of years ago with Chris Tomlin on their "Indescribable" tour and then I heard him again 2 years later in Atlanta on their "How Great is Our God" tour. This video is from the "How Great is our God" tour. I absolutely LOVED this message! It was just so incredibly neat! You will have to watch it to find out. Louie is talking about how we are fearfully and wonderfully made....if you are feeling kinda low...just give it a listen. It's 8 minutes and 43 seconds. You will be blown away!
I got this video in an e-mail and I think you should all watch it, and make sure you watch it to the VERY end. It's VERY good!! I PROMISE you will be blessed!! Let me know what you think!
If any of you are on Facebook too, you know that a chain post has been going around titled "25 Random Things About Me". Well, I was reluctant to do it at first because I wasn't sure I could come up with 25 things about ME. It's hard to write about yourself sometimes isn't it?? Well, I finally decided to sit down and do it and this is what I came up with. It may not be that interesting, but it's about me...so here it is...
1.)I’m a nurse and I love my job. I recently (within the last several days) got a job in Labor and Delivery, which is my DREAM job! I’m SO excited and can’t wait! I get to witness life being brought into the world everyday…exciting!
2.) I have a deathly, ABNORMAL fear of birds….always have and always will. Don’t ask why or how…that’s just how I am and it’s not going to change. People that know that about me always try to figure it out, but it’s just the way I am, there’s no explanation for it.
3.) I could eat a chicken finger anytime, anyplace, anywhere. Although it’s not necessarily my favorite food, I have always liked them. My mom says that I was such a picky eater as a child, that’s all I would eat.
4.) I used to secretly want to see Jessica Simpson in concert. I was in love with her! Ha!
5.) I am a very organized person. I like things to be neat and have a particular place.
6.) I never go out to eat by myself. I know there are some people that will do that, but NOT ME. Also, when I was in high school and my mom would need me to go get something from Wal-Mart or the grocery store, I would always call a friend to go with me b/c I hated going by myself……that’s changed now.
7.) I love laughing. Laughing is my favorite thing to do. I know people say it might be a bad thing if you laugh at yourself or your own jokes, but I love it when I do that. I think it says that you have a sense of humor. I also like to surround myself with people that make me laugh. I find that I have a better day that way.
8.) I wear my emotions on my sleeve. Usually you can know how I am feeling just by looking at my face. I don’t hide it very well….although if you ask me…I’ll deny it :)
9.) I would love to adopt an Asian child one day. I also have dreams of having a BIG family one day.
10.) I’ve been told I have “champagne” taste with only “beer” money. That may be true.
11.) I love it when God shows me something new….
12.) I always end up watching every season of The Bachelor. Although the show is ridiculous and they never end up together, I always get suckered in somehow!
13.) I like to collect the Willow Tree figures. Lee King got me on that kick when she gave me my first one as a bridesmaids gift a little over 4 years ago.
14.) I always dust off my feet before I get into my bed. I hate feeling the "grit" in my sheets.
15.) I drink all dark beverages (usually) including COFFEE, through a straw. I know, sounds crazy to drink coffee through a straw. Ever since I got my braces about 5 year ago, I have been very particular about my teeth and about getting them stained and so forth, so that’s why. You may ask how I drink wine.....when I do drink wine,....it's WHITE...
16.) I like to sleep with my room pitch black, quiet and the fan on.
17.) When I was in 5th grade, I was on Entertainment Tonight. It was a quick clip, but still, I had my moment of fame….and no, I’m not lying.
18.) Most people would be surprised to know that I have a tattoo. I don’t mind telling that. It’s on my lower abdomen and it’s of an Icthus (Jesus fish in case you didn’t know).
19.) My hair is not naturally blonde (in case you can't tell)….I have been getting it highlighted for years.
20.) I want to travel all over the world one day and my goal is to make it to Fiji (Turtle Island) before I die.
21.) I always have a bottle of water beside my bed.
22.) I still do math by counting on my fingers or on paper, even simple math…..I took math classes in college all the way up to Calculus II, but still to this day, I count on my fingers.
23.) I don’t look my age. People are really surprised when they find that out. I often have patients that ask me if I should be in school.
24.) I am a home-body. I have never lived outside of Opelika, AL and don’t know if I will. Sure, I would be open to the idea, but for right now, I guess I am content to be here.
25.) People always ask me if I am related to the Callaways of “Callaway Gardens” or “Callaway Golf”….sadly, I have to tell them “no”.
**Just a quick little update on the job. I know some of you may be following that. I went yesterday to sign all my paperwork, do the usual drug test, TB skin test, labs drawn, more paperwork etc. I got my employee ID # and went ahead and took my picture for my badge (ahh!). I start employee orientation (the usual stuff for the hospital)...you know orientation to their policies yada yada yada on Monday. Not sure how long that will last. I am supposed to get that schedule on Monday when I get there. I actually need to go out and shop for some new scrubs. I am used to just wearing surgery scrubs or the ones from the dialysis clinic (we had to order special ones that were embroidered). I still get SO excited when I think about this job!! yay! I have gotten so many responses from people telling me that I would be great in this area and I really do feel this is my calling. I am actually excited about this job. When I took my first job in PACU, I was sorta excited, but it was my first job and didn't really know what I was really getting into, but I ended up liking it b/c I really do like surgery. Then when that job wasn't working for me, I think I just took the dialysis job as a means to get away from the PACU job. I wasn't really excited about it. People would often ask me, "so are you excited about your new job" and I couldn't really say "yes" with enthusiasm. Now, I feel like I can definitely say "yes" with TONS of enthusiasm!!
New (and only) husband, new last name, new home....
"You are unrepeatable. There is magic about you that is all your own."--D.M Dellinger
My Love
"Come glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together."--Psalm 34:3
"Have confidence in God. He knows what He is doing. God placed you where you are. God has a plan and a job for you to do there. Be faithful and do it. When it is time for you to do something else, God will arrange it and lead you out."
"Nothing happens by "chance", but God is always behind the scenes, working all things together for the good of His people (Romans 8:28). There is no such thing as luck or fate for believers."--John MacArthur
"Turns out not where, but who you're with that really matters..."--DMB
Laughing is my FAVORITE
"Carry laughter with you wherever you go."--Hugh Sidey